Happy Monday and welcome to my review of Broken Wish by Julie C. Dao! I LOVED this book and I’m so happy to share my review with all of you today! Read on to find my review, plus more information about the book and author! And now without any further ado, let’s get to the review!

Series: The Mirror #1
Also in this series: Shattered Midnight, Fractured Path
Published on October 6, 2020 by Disney-Hyperion
Genres: Alternate History, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Retellings, YA
Pages: 320
Format: Audiobook
Source: Rochester Public Library
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Author Links: Website, Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram, Pinterest
Sixteen-year-old Elva has a secret. She has visions and strange powers that she will do anything to hide. She knows the warnings about what happens to witches in their small village of Hanau. She's heard the terrible things people say about the Witch of the North Woods, and the malicious hunts that follow.
But when Elva accidentally witnesses a devastating vision of the future, she decides she has to do everything she can to prevent it. Tapping into her powers for the first time, Elva discovers a magical mirror and its owner-none other than the Witch of the North Woods herself. As Elva learns more about her burgeoning magic, and the lines between hero and villain start to blur, she must find a way to right past wrongs before it's too late.
The Mirror: Broken Wish marks the first book in an innovative four-book fairy-tale series written by Julie C. Dao, Dhonielle Clayton, Jennifer Cervantes, and L. L. McKinney, following one family over several generations, and the curse that plagues it.

did i like it?
this book restarted my love of fairy tale retellings, so YES I LOVE this book!!!
favorite character?
CAY!!!! (although Elva and Mathilde were both very close seconds!)
will i re-read it?
for sure, as soon as I get my hands on a copy of book 3!
three words to describe the book

HELLO YES HAVE YOU SEEN THIS COVER IT IS BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL!!!!!! The gradient, the colors, the tree, everything is just perfect!!!
8.8/10 stars!

- aesthetically getting back to the original fairy tale vibes
- improper use of a magic mirror
- here’s a tale of a witch living in the woods

- The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
- The Queen’s Council (series) by Emma Theriault et al.
- Twisted Tales (series) by Liz Braswell et al.

Have you read Broken Wish yet? Do you love this book as much as I do? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

[…] Midnight by Dhonielle Clayton Series: The Mirror #2 Also in this series: Broken Wish Published on January 18, 2022 by Disney-Hyperion Genres: Alternate History, Fantasy, Historical […]
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