
Blog Tour: Meet Me In Outer Space by Melinda Grace

Posted March 11, 2019 by Kaity in Book Review, Book Tours, Giveaways / 4 Comments

Blog Tour: Meet Me In Outer Space by Melinda Grace

Happy Monday and welcome to my stop on the Meet Me In Outer Space blog tour!!! This book was one of my favorites I read in 2018 and I’m so excited to be a part of the book tour! So read on to find my review, favorite chapter titles, information about the author and the tour, and a giveaway!!

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour: Meet Me In Outer Space by Melinda GraceMeet Me in Outer Space by Melinda Grace
Published on March 12, 2019 by MacMillan, Swoon Reads
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, YA
Pages: 272
Format: ARC, eARC
Source: NetGalley
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Edie Kits has a learning disability. Well, not a learning disability exactly, but a disability that impacts her learning. It isn’t visible, it isn’t obvious, and it isn’t something she likes to advertise. In fact, she’s successfully hidden it from nearly everyone in her life, including her college roommate and best friend, Serena.

And for the first half of her freshman year, she has managed without assistance. Edie thought she was in control of her disability, until she meets her match with French 101 and a professor unwilling to hear her out.

Edie finds herself caught between getting the help she needs and convincing her professor that she isn’t looking for an easy out. Luckily for her, Hudson, the badly dressed but undoubtedly adorable TA in her French class, ambles in to help her out…


My Favorite Part

I read this book twice, first the very second I got my hands on it back in September (story to come later, probably) and then again this week in preparation for my review. Both times I loved seeing Edie, a character who has CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder) (like me!) and is like the most ambitious character I’ve ever read about (unlike me). I loved how close she and her roommate/best friend Serena were. I loved that she knew what she wanted and she was doing everything she could to chase her dreams. I loved basically everything about this book!

My Least Favorite Part

The only things I didn’t really love were how underdeveloped some of the characters were, and that several of them disappeared in the second half of the book. Hudson didn’t really have any motivation for anything that I could see other than getting together with Edie, and I think knowing what he wanted would have been helpful in understanding him better. I wish there had been more time spent with CJ, and maybe a scene or two with Edie, Serena, and CJ together. 

Summing it Up with a GIF

Judging a Book by its Cover

Every time I look at this cover I notice something I hadn’t before. The sound waves are perfect as a background, the navy color(!!!) is something I just noticed and love, the typography and colors and everything is just perfect. 10 out of 5 stars!

Read Alikes

For more feel good contemporaries, read Comics Will Break Your Heart by Faith Erin Hicks For more hearing disabled main characters, read You’re Welcome, Universe by Whitney Gardner

The Sorting Hat

As always, I’m using the system created by Sorting Hat Chats for this! For more information on what I’m talking about, click here. Today’s character is… Edie: Oh my goodness is Edie a wonderful example of a Slytherin Primary, Ravenclaw Secondary. Her ambition is what I would call her most defining trait, and her prioritization of her trip to Paris above all else is something that couldn’t be called anything but Slytherin. Her Ravenclaw Secondary shows up with all of her planning and attention to details. In her classes- both French and fashion, and presumably the rest, although we don’t get much info on those- she takes meticulous notes and uses everything she possibly can to succeed. 

Favorite Quotes Chapter Titles

The chapter titles are one of my favorite parts of this book, so enjoy this fantastic selection:

Spoilers Sweetie

View Spoiler » 

Let’s Discuss

How do you feel about a romance with a character who doesn’t want to get into a relationship?

Author Info

About the Author

Melinda Grace wrote her first piece of fiction in middle school, but didn’t write a complete story until an introduction to creative writing course at SUNY Oswego, where she earned a BA in human development. She went on to earn a MS E.D. in counseling and currently works as a school counselor. When she’s not guiding the youth of America, she’s planning her next vacation to Disney World, laminating anything she can get her hands on, and binge watching Netflix. MEET ME IN OUTER SPACE is her debut novel, publishing March 2019.      

Author Links

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