Happy Wednesday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for HEARTLESS PRINCE by Angela De Vito and Leigh Dragoon! I’m so excited because today I have an excerpt of the book to share with you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it, PLUS enter for a chance to win a print copy!

Published on November 2, 2021 by Disney-Hyperion
Genres: Fantasy, Graphic Novels, YA
Pages: 160
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Evony is an orphaned princess from a kingdom destroyed by a power-hungry witch. Prince Ammon has recently been drawn to her, or at least he’s drawn to her uncanny ability to sense when familiars—servants to the witches—are approaching his kingdom’s borders. And Evony, well Evony has always longed for something more with Ammon. Wanting to prove himself to his kingdom and parents, Ammon takes Evony outside the borders to fight the familiars head-to-head. All is well until they’re captured by witch Aradia, who steals Ammon’s heart and leaves his body to turn into one of her familiars. What’s worse, his sister Nissa has been taken hostage by Aradia’s daughter. Evony makes it her miss onto retrieve Ammon’s heart and save Nissa, taking her into the mysterious Witchlands. There, she will discover a secret about her past that will change everything.

Excerpted from Heartless Prince by Angela De Vito and Leigh Dragoon with permission from Disney Publishing Worldwide. Copyright © 2021 by Angela De Vito and Leigh Dragoon.

Week One
11/1/2021 | For the Love of KidLit | Excerpt |
11/2/2021 | BookHounds YA | Excerpt |
11/3/2021 | Kait Plus Books | Excerpt |
11/4/2021 | Book-Keeping | Review |
11/5/2021 | Books Are Magic Too | Review |
11/6/2021 | Nerdophiles | Review |
Week Two
11/7/2021 | ZaineyLaney | Review |
11/8/2021 | The book review crew | Review |
11/9/2021 | History from a Woman’s Perspective | Review |
11/10/2021 | A Backwards Story | Review |
11/11/2021 | celiamcmahonreads | Review |
11/12/2021 | Rajiv’s Reviews | Review |
11/13/2021 | More Books Please blog | Review |
Week Three
11/14/2021 | A Bookish Dream | Review |
11/15/2021 | @more.books.yes.please | Review |
11/16/2021 | lexijavabookish | Review |
11/17/2021 | Once Upon a Twilight | Review |
11/18/2021 | A Court of Coffee and Books | Review |
11/19/2021 | Don’t Judge, Read | Review |
11/20/2021 | Bri’s Book Nook | Review |
Week Four
11/21/2021 | @momfluenster | Review |
11/22/2021 | The Momma Spot | Review |
11/23/2021 | Emelie’s Books | Review |
11/24/2021 | Nonbinary Knight Reads | Review |
11/25/2021 | The Bookwyrm’s Den | Review |
11/26/2021 | Eli to the nth | Review |
11/27/2021 | Lifestyle of Me | Review |
Week Five
11/28/2021 | Two Points of Interest | Review |
11/29/2021 | onemused | Review |
11/30/2021 | popthebutterfly | Review |

Enter here for a chance to win a print copy of Heartless Prince by Angela De Vito and Leigh Dragoon!
(US Only)

What do you think about Heartless Prince? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

This graphic novel looks fun and exciting!
This sounds like a great read! Those power-hungry witches can be so mean!
Very helpful! thank you for the Blog Commenting Sites list, it is very helpful, I was searching for some valuable links. Good work, and keep sharing your research and knowledge. Thank you again…..,,