
Blog Tour: A Soldier and A Liar by Caitlin Lochner

Posted February 26, 2019 by Kaity in Book Review, Book Tours, Giveaways / 0 Comments

Blog Tour: A Soldier and A Liar by Caitlin Lochner

Happy Tuesday and welcome to my (very late) review for A Soldier and A Liar!!! This is an AMAZING book, so read on to find my review, information about the author and tour, and a giveaway!

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour: A Soldier and A Liar by Caitlin LochnerA Soldier and A Liar by Caitlin Lochner
Published on February 19, 2019 by MacMillan, Swoon Reads
Genres: Futuristic, Science Fiction, YA
Pages: 352
Format: ARC, eARC
Source: NetGalley
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In a world on the brink of war, four superpowered teens must learn to work together for peace in Caitlin Lochner's action-packed debut novel, A Soldier and A Liar.

Lai Cathwell is good at keeping secrets. As a Nyte, a supernaturally gifted teenager who is feared and shunned by the ungifted, this skill is essential to survival. Orchestrating her own imprisonment to escape military duty has only honed her ability to deceive others. But when rebels start attacking the city, Lai is dragged back into the fight with a new team of Nytes.

Thrown together with Jay, a self-conscious perfectionist consumed by the desire to be accepted; Al, a short-tempered fighter lying for the sake of revenge; and Erik, an amnesiac hell-bent on finding his memories and his place in the world, Lai realizes she’s facing an entirely different kind of challenge—one that might just be impossible. But if this team can't learn to work together, the entire sector will be plunged into war.


My Favorite Part

I’m torn between having my favorite part be the characters (I love Lai so much) or the plot (which reminded me a lot of Incredibles II but as a YA book, so… basically perfection). Either way, this is an AMAZING book, and I’m so glad that everyone can go read it right now!

My Least Favorite Part

I feel like my least favorite part of every book recently is just that I took so long to read it. Surprise surprise, it’s my least favorite part of this one, too. 

Summing it Up with a GIF

Judging a Book by its Cover

I feel like all my cover discussions for Swoon Reads books are just me going ‘Yes! They picked the cover I wanted!’, but… they picked the cover I wanted! I love love love the gradient colors, and the light vs. dark theme. The font is perfect and I just love this cover so much! 10/10 stars!

Read Alikes

For more dystopian sci-fi, read The Similars by Rebecca Hanover

For more high stakes disaster teens, read The Disasters by M.K. England

Let’s Discuss

What would you want your power to be if you were a Nyte? Personally, I’ve always wanted the ability to stop time like Piper in Charmed, but I’m curious to see what everyone else wants!

Author Info

About the Author

I’m a nerd, traveler, and architecture enthusiast who worked as an assistant English teacher in Tokyo for three years before pursuing my MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Central Florida. I love reading and writing anything with magic, adventure, and complex found-family relationships. I can typically be found absorbed in books, games, or manga, or else obsessing over said books, games, and manga. A Soldier and a Liar is my debut novel.

Author Links

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Tour Info

Tour Schedule

February 18th Book Reviews by Steph | Excerpt Booked J | Review Kait Plus Books | Review Movies, Shows, & Books | Excerpt diary of a wannabe writer | Review

February 19th Mythical Books | Guest post Jazzy Book Reviews | Excerpt Birdie’s Bibliotheca | Review Smada’s Book Smack | Review February 20th tfaulcbookreviews | Excerpt Book Reader Chronicles | Review Character Madness and Musings | Excerpt A Book Addict’s Bookshelves | Guest post February 21st Adventures in Writing | Review The Heart of a Book Blogger | Interview Love Books Group | Review The Avid Reader | Review February 22nd My Books-My World | Guest post Rants and Raves of a Bibliophile | Review AC Squared Book Blog | Excerpt Bookworm for Kids | Review The Cover Contessa | Interview


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