
Phoenix Flame | Interview with Sara Holland (+Bookstagram!)

Posted March 17, 2021 by Kaity in Bookstagram, Interviews / 0 Comments

Happy Wednesday! I’m so excited because today I have an interview with Sara Holland to share with you! Her new book is truly amazing and I’m so so excited to for you to find out more about Phoenix Flame and Sara!


Phoenix Flame | Interview with Sara Holland (+Bookstagram!)Phoenix Flame by Sara Holland
Series: Havenfall #2
Published on March 2, 2021 by Bloomsbury YA
Genres: Fantasy, YA, Queer
Pages: 272
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Bestselling author Sara Holland continues her blockbuster contemporary fantasy series about the Inn at Havenfall with this unforgettable sequel.
Maddie thought her problems were over. View Spoiler »
This next breathtaking fantasy from the bestselling author of Everless is perfect for fans of Melissa Albert and Holly Black.


What would you do if you spent the day with Maddie, taya, and brekken? Where would you go to eat, hang out, relax, etc.?

Do I get to bring them to New York? If so, I would take them to get bagels, followed by a ferry ride around Manhattan. I think Taya would want to go shopping dancing; Brekken would want to go to museums and learn about the city’s history; and Maddie would want to walk the streets and people-watch, so we’d do a little of each. And eat lots of amazing food and get fancy coffee.

Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain? And what would your powers and name be?

In a fitting origin story, a BuzzFeed quiz once told me that my superhero name would be The Procrastinator, which is… too accurate. Maybe I would have the power to stop time when under duress so I could get everything done. I think I would rather be a supervillain, because it seems like being a superhero would be so much pressure. You couldn’t ever take a day off.

If you buried a time capsule with three items inside, what three items would you choose and why?

I would include copies of my favorite books, and the notebook in which I’m plotting a new WIP. Some notes from friends and family, dried leaves and flowers, and maybe a flash drive with some of my current favorite songs and memes.

What are some movies, tv shows, and other books that would pair well with Phoenix Flame?

Of course, I love anything that has to do with traveling through a doorway to another world, or magic from another world slipping into ours! I think readers of HAVENFALL and PHOENIX FLAME would enjoy INKHEART, THE MAGICIANS (book or show), and LABYRINTH LOST.

What is your favorite quote, scene, or moment from Phoenix flame?

There’s someone in Maddie’s life who she’s missed desperately and for a long time. In PHOENIX FLAME, she gets them back, but not in the way she expects. The reunion was really fun and cathartic to write (and hopefully to read, also)!


coming soon!


Sara Holland is the author of Havenfall and the New York Times bestsellers Everless and Evermore. She grew up in small-town Minnesota, but also in the countless fictional worlds of books. She graduated from Wesleyan University and worked in a tea shop, a dentist’s office, and a state capitol building before heading to New York to work in publishing. These days, she can be found exploring the city’s bookstores or finding new ways to put caffeine in her bloodstream.

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What do you think about Phoenix Flame? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

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