Happy Monday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for THE IMMORTAL GAME! I’m so excited because today I have an interview with Talia Rothschild and A.C. Harvey to share with you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it, PLUS enter for a chance to win a print copy!

Published on May 25, 2021 by Swoon Reads
Genres: YA, Fantasy, Mythology
Pages: 352
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An exiled goddess goes on a quest to clear her name and save Mount Olympus in Talia Rothschild & A. C. Harvey's action-packed young adult debut,
The Immortal Game!
Galene, daughter of Poseidon, desperately wants to earn her place among the gods. But when a violent attack leaves Mount Olympus in chaos and ruins, she is accused of the crime. Banished from Olympus, Galene sets out to prove her innocence and discovers a more deadly plot—one that threatens even the oldest of Immortals.
Fortunately, she has allies who willingly join her in exile:
A lifelong friend who commands the wind. A defiant warrior with deadly skill. A fire-wielder with a hero’s heart. A mastermind who plays life like a game.
All-out war is knocking at the gates. Galene and her friends are the only ones who can tip the scales toward justice, but their choices could save Olympus from total annihilation, or be the doom of them all.
What would you do if you spent the day with Galene? Where would you go to eat, hang out, relax, etc.?
Ash: I feel like Galene and I would pack a picnic and go on a hike to some mountain lake (On Mount Olympus if it were possible!) where we’d enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and have plenty of time to talk and chill. After, we’d dip our sore feet in the hot tub (I’m sure they have those on Olympus) and eat popsicles.
Talia: I’d love to visit the ocean with Galene—to see it through her eyes. If I couldn’t breathe underwater with her, I’d at least love to ride Poseidon’s sea horses above the waves. Then, maybe I’d help her design her temple and play games with her over at Kostas’s place.
If Galene were to hang out with characters from other books, who would they be and why?
Ash: My first thoughts are Annabeth (Percy Jackson), Hermione (Harry Potter), and Lysandra (Throne of Glass series). I think these characters would make Galene feel comfortable, they’d have a lot in common or have the same kind of temperaments, and values, but I also think they’d help challenge her and keep her mind stimulated and also help her have fun!
Talia: I think Galene needs someone who would push her out of her comfort zone and get her a little less uptight about rulebreaking. She’d really let her hair down with someone like Lila Bard from a Darker Shade of Magic, or Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows (both of whom love being out on the sea, too).
Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain? What would your powers and name be and why?
Ash: Superhero (obv.) I would want a shapeshifting power cuz you could get really creative with it and do so many cool things. I’m pretty good at blending into different places and situations, so I think it would fit. My name would be Chameleon (I dunno).
Talia: Also definitely a superhero—I can’t even pretend to be a villain without hating myself. 😀 If I was just me with a power, I’d want to teleport (think of all the places you could see in the world!) but as a superhero, I’d love to influence the weather. I’d bring rain and thunder and lightning to fight, or even a drought. And I’d be known as Sky.
If you buried a time capsule with three items inside, what three items would you choose and why?
Ash: The Immortal Game, the avengers phases 1-3 movie collection (can that count as 1?), a letter to the future saying basically “do better than us.”
Talia: The manuscript of the next book I want to publish, an album of pictures of my daughter, and a “my dream for the world” letter. 🙂
What was your favorite bit of research you ended up not using?
Information about Lamia. In our first drafts, our characters encountered her, the female daemon of Greek mythology. This monster was one of the obstacles the five explorers had to face in the Aegean Sea. As we rewrote, we exchanged her for the monster Charybdis, which fit the journey a lot better. The current version is much more epic. 😉
What is your favorite quote, scene, or moment from The Immortal Game?
Ash: Galene’s dark night of the soul. No spoilers, but it’s kind of a moment where she’s failed and she’s lost two of the most important people in her life and doesn’t know if her other friends are alive. This is right before so many epic things happen and I think it enhances all of those next scenes. I’m so proud of those scenes and it tugs on my heartstrings more than any other part of the book.
Talia: My favorite moment is the big plot twist. Not only was it so fun and satisfying to write, but it also catapults the rest of the story into high-stake, fast-paced action. It triggers a change in the main characters that drives them for the rest of the plot. I’m always anticipating our readers reaching our plot twist. 🙂
Enter here to win a print copy of THE IMMORTAL GAME by Talia Rothschild and A.C. Harvey!
What do you think about The Immortal Game? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!
Thanks for being on the tour! 🙂
This book sounds intriguing and the cover is stunning.