
Blog Tour: Dark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain (Interview!)

Posted September 4, 2021 by Kaity in Book Tours, Interviews / 0 Comments

Blog Tour: Dark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain (Interview!)

Happy Saturday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for DARK AND SHALLOW LIES! I’m so excited because today I have an interview with Ginny Myers Sain to share with you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it!

Blog Tour: Dark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain (Interview!)Dark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain
Published on September 7, 2021 by Razorbill
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller, YA
Pages: 432
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Author Links: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram

La Cachette, Louisiana, is the worst place to be if you have something to hide.
This tiny town, where seventeen-year-old Grey spends her summers, is the self-proclaimed Psychic Capital of the World--and the place where Elora Pellerin, Grey's best friend, disappeared six months earlier.
Grey can't believe that Elora vanished into thin air any more than she can believe that nobody in a town full of psychics knows what happened. But as she digs into the night that Elora went missing, she begins to realize that everybody in town is hiding something - her grandmother Honey; her childhood crush Hart; and even her late mother, whose secrets continue to call to Grey from beyond the grave.
When a mysterious stranger emerges from the bayou - a stormy-eyed boy with links to Elora and the town's bloody history - Grey realizes that La Cachette's past is far more present and dangerous than she'd ever understood. Suddenly, she doesn't know who she can trust. In a town where secrets lurk just below the surface, and where a murderer is on the loose, nobody can be presumed innocent--and La Cachette's dark and shallow lies may just rip the town apart.

What would you do if you spent the day with Grey? Where would you go to eat, hang out, relax, etc.?

 Ohhhh! That’s a fun question. I think we’d probably spend the day in New Orleans, since we both love that city. We’d start out with breakfast at Cafe Du Monde and then just spend the day wandering the French Quarter. We’d check out the artists in Jackson Square and the shops at the French Market. Definitely a muffuletta for lunch from Central Grocery! 

If Grey were to hang out with characters from other books, who would they be and why?

There is a character named Mila in Watch Over Me by Nina LaCour that, as soon as I read that book, I thought….she would make a great friend for Grey. Mila is a character who has a lot of heartache and grief and guilt…and those are all things that Grey is carrying as well. She’s also like Grey in that she tends to be very careful and guarded. But both of them end up being very open to magic and wonder and the possibility of healing. They’re two girls who walk through the fire and find a way to keep walking. 

If there was one fictional place you could travel to for a day, where would it be and why?

Definitely Oz! I’ve been obsessed with the Wizard of Oz movie (sadly, I admit I never read the book) since I was a little kid. I used to pretend I was in Oz all the time. I loved the beauty of it, but also the danger! 

If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and what would you talk about?

Right now, I’d have to say the whole cast of Schitt’s Creek, since I’m in the middle of watching that series. Yes, I know I’m super late to the party! But, oh my gosh, I would kill to spend the afternoon with David and Moira. I feel like we would have all sorts of things to talk about! The trials and tribulations of small town life, for one. Oh! And Stevie. I’d love to meet Stevie. We have kind of the same sense of humor. 

If you buried a time capsule with three items inside, what three items would you choose and why?

That’s a hard one! I think I’d definitely choose things related to the arts. I’ve always worked in the arts, primarily in the theatre, and  writing of course. So the arts have been such a huge part of my life. I’d try to select three great works of art…maybe a painting or a sculpture, a musical recording, and a video of a really exquisite ballet. Or a beautiful book, a play script, and a particularly breathtaking poem. It would be hard to narrow it down! I think that the arts are the best way we have of explaining to each other what it really means to be human, so I think that’s worth preserving. 

What was your favorite bit of research you ended up not using?

I really enjoyed researching all the folklore and legends. And the history! There is one brief line in the book about the infamous Casket Girls of New Orleans, but I would have loved to talk about that story more. It’s such a good one. The history of those women who were sent from France to help settle the brand new city of New Orleans is just really interesting. And the way so many wild stories and myths and legends have built up around that particular bit of history is absolutely fascinating. 

What is your favorite quote, scene, or moment from Dark and Shallow Lies?

The scenes between Elora and Hart are my favorite. There is so much heartbreak and so much yearning between those two characters. They were just really fun to write. As for moments, there is a very short scene around a campfire that I just love. It’s so small, but there’s so much going on there. It was fun to pack as much as I could into the silences and the spaces between the lines. 


Ginny: Thank you so much! These were fun questions!

Kait: You’re welcome! Thank you so much for answering them!

About Ginny Myers Sain

Ginny Myers Sain is the author of DARK AND SHALLOW LIES, her debut YA novel available 8-31-21 from Razorbill/Penguin. Although she comes from a long line of writers, her first love has always been the theatre. She has a degree in theatre and has spent most of her career teaching acting and directing plays and musicals. ​Ginny currently live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with her teenage son and a very cowardly doberman named Shipley. When she is not working in the theatre or writing, you’re likely to find her listening to true crime podcasts, taking pictures of alligators, eating tacos, or planning a trip to Walt Disney World.

What do you think about Dark and Shallow Lies? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

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