
Blog Tour: Ravenfall by Kalyn Josephson (Spotlight!)

Posted August 30, 2022 by Kaity in Book Tours, Spotlight / 0 Comments

Blog Tour: Ravenfall by Kalyn Josephson (Spotlight!)

Happy Tuesday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for RAVENFALL by Kalyn Josephson! I’m so excited because today I get to shine the spotlight on this wonderful book for you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it!

Blog Tour: Ravenfall by Kalyn Josephson (Spotlight!)Ravenfall by Kalyn Josephson
Published on September 6, 2022 by Delacorte Press
Genres: Contemporary, Middle Grade, Fantasy
Pages: 256
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Author Links: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram

One magical inn, two kids with supernatural powers, and an ancient Celtic creature trying to destroy their world by Halloween night...
Halloweentown meets Supernatural in this spooky middle-grade series from the acclaimed author of the Storm Crow duology!
Thirteen-year-old Annabella Ballinkay has never been normal, even by her psychic family's standards. Every generation uses their abilities to help run the Ravenfall Inn, a sprawling, magical B&B at the crossroads of the human world and the Otherworld. But it's hard to contribute when your only power is foreseeing death.
So when fourteen-year-old Colin Pierce arrives at Ravenfall searching for his missing older brother and the supernatural creature who killed their parents, Anna jumps at the chance to help. But the mysteries tied to Colin go much deeper than either of them expects. . . .
As the two team up to find answers, they unearth Colin's family's secret past and discover that Colin has powers beyond his imagination. And now the supernatural creature, one with eerie origins in Celtic mythology, is coming after him. If Anna and Colin can't stop the creature by Halloween night, the veil to the Otherworld could be ripped open--which would spell destruction for their world as they know it.

About Kalyn Josephson

Kalyn Josephson currently works as a Technical Writer in the tech industry, which leaves room for too many bad puns about technically being a writer. Though she grew up in San Luis Obispo, California, she graduated from Santa Clara University with degrees in Biology and English (Creative Writing). Currently, she lives in the Bay Area with two black cats (who are more like a tiny dragon and an ever tinier owl). THE STORM CROW duology is out now.

What do you think about Ravenfall? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

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