
Blog Tour: Just One Look by Lindsay Cameron (Interview + Giveaway!)

Posted July 29, 2021 by Kaity in Book Tours, Giveaways, Interviews / 0 Comments

Blog Tour: Just One Look by Lindsay Cameron (Interview + Giveaway!)

Happy Thursday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for JUST ONE LOOK! I’m so excited because today I have an interview with Lindsay Cameron to share with you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it, PLUS enter for a chance to win a print copy!

Blog Tour: Just One Look by Lindsay Cameron (Interview + Giveaway!)Just One Look by Lindsay Cameron
Published on July 27, 2021 by Ballantine Books
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
Pages: 304
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Author Links: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram

Eyes aren't the windows to the soul. Emails are. Cassie Woodson is adrift. After suffering an epic tumble down the corporate ladder, Cassie finds the only way she can pay her bills is to take a thankless temp job reviewing correspondence for a large-scale fraud suit. The daily drudgery amplifies all that her life is lacking--love, friends, stability--and leaves her with too much time on her hands, which she spends fixating on the mistakes that brought her to this point.
While sorting through a relentless deluge of emails, something catches her eye: the tender (and totally private) exchanges between a partner at the firm, Forest Watts, and his enchanting wife, Annabelle. Cassie knows she shouldn't read them. But it's just one look. And once that door opens, she finds she can't look away.
Every day, twenty floors below Forest's corner office, Cassie dissects their emails from her dingy workstation. A few clicks of her mouse and she can see every adoring word they write to each other. By peeking into their apparently perfect life, Cassie finds renewed purpose and happiness, reveling in their penchant for vintage wines, morning juice presses, and lavish dinner parties thrown in their stately Westchester home. There are no secrets from her. Or so she thinks.
Her admiration quickly escalates into all-out mimicry, because she wants this life more than anything. Maybe if she plays make-believe long enough, it will become real for her. But when Cassie orchestrates a "chance" meeting with Forest in the real world and sees something that throws the state of his marriage into question, the fantasy she's been carefully cultivating shatters. Suddenly, she doesn't simply admire Annabelle--she wants to take her place. And she's armed with the tools to make that happen.

What would you do if you spent the day with Cassie? Where would you go to eat, hang out, relax, etc.?

Well, Cassie would probably want to go wherever Forest is going and eat whatever Annabelle is eating, but I would try to convince her to break out of her infatuation and stay away from Juice Press. She could use a good friend and some TLC, so I’d get some takeout and relax back at her apartment while I try to convince her to make some better life choices!

If Cassie were to hang out with characters from other books, who would they be and why?

Cassie would have a lot in common with Joe Goldberg from You, so I could see them hanging out, both laser focused on the objects of their affection. It certainly wouldn’t be the mentally healthiest duo, though! 

If there was one fictional place you could travel to for a day, where would it be and why?

I read the Harry Potter books with my children, so I would travel to Diagon Alley and purchase my own Hedwig, a Firebolt broomstick and a wand from Ollivanders. 

What was your favorite bit of research you ended up not using?

It’s not exactly research, but during the course of editing the manuscript I had separate document where I would save the passages that I had to cut, but still loved. These were scenes or paragraphs or similes that didn’t work in the story, but I just couldn’t bring myself to permanently delete them. Maybe I’ll use them for another book someday…

What is your favorite quote, scene, or moment from Just One Look?

Probably the scene where Cassie first speaks to Forest when he is picking up his morning juice. I went through so many drafts of that scene to ensure I captured the reverence she would feel, and there is also a little surprise for Cassie at the conclusion of that chapter…

About Lindsay Cameron

Lindsay Cameron worked as a corporate lawyer for many years in Vancouver and New York City before leaving the law behind to write books. Her first novel, Biglaw, was published in 2015. Just One Look is her suspense debut. She lives in New York City where she is currently at work on her next book.

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What do you think about Just One Look? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

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