Happy Monday and welcome to my stop on the Nerd Blast for GIRLS CAN! I’m so excited because today I get to shine a spotlight on TWO wonderful books for you! These books are truly amazing and I’m so so excited to for you to find out more about GIRLS CAN!: SMASH STEREOTYPES, DEFY EXPECTATIONS, AND MAKE HISTORY! by Marissa Sebastian and Tora Shae Pruden, and IZZY NEWTON AND THE S.M.A.R.T. SQUAD: ABSOLUTE HERO by Valerie Tripp, plus enter to win print copies of both books!

Published on October 6, 2020 by National Geographic Kids
Genres: Middle Grade, Non-Fiction
Pages: 144
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Girls Can ? Innovate! Discover! Create! Lead nations AND rule kingdoms. Girls can change the world! This book puts to rest the tired adages of things girls "can't" do with powerful proof that girls not only CAN, but they DO! Featuring profiles of over 75 remarkable women from across centuries and around the world, from math whiz Katherine Johnson to legendary leaders like Queen Elizabeth I, game changers like Serena Williams to avant-garde artists like Frida Kahlo, and so many more, you'll discover amazing, diverse women, both famous and little-known, who smashed stereotypes, overcame odds, and achieved their goals. With interviews and encouraging advice from world-changing women of today such as media mogul Oprah Winfrey, philanthropist Melinda Gates, renowned journalist Christiane Amanpour, National Geographic explorers and planet protectors like Sylvia Earle, and more, as well as concrete tips for breaking barriers and raising your voice, this inspirational book will have you ready to follow in the footsteps of women who made-and are making-history.You'll see that not only some Girls Can-you can!

Series: Izzy Newton #1
Published on September 1, 2020 by National Geographic Kids
Genres: Middle Grade, Contemporary
Pages: 192
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When middle school mishaps happen, five friends form the S.M.A.R.T. Squad and use their collective skills and the power of science to bring order to their school. Science reigns supreme with this squad of young brainiacs. Join Izzy Newton and her friends in the first adventure of this fun new middle-grade fiction series from National Geographic Kids. A crowded new school and a crazy class schedule is enough to make Izzy feel dizzy. It may be the first day of middle school, but as long as her best friends Allie Einstein and Charlie Darwin are by her side, Izzy knows it'll all be okay. However, first-day jitters take an icy turn when Izzy's old pal Marie Curie comes back to town.
Part of the creative team behind the American Girl series, Valerie Tripp has written many of the American Girl books about Felicity, Josefina, Samantha, Kit, Molly, and Maryellen. She also wrote American Girl’s Welliewisher and Hopscotch Hill School books. Tripp has also written numerous leveled readers, songs, stories, skills book pages, poems, and plays for educational publishers and is the editorial director of the Boys Camp series. She is a frequent speaker at schools and libraries.
Geneva Bowers is a self-taught illustrator who lives in the North Carolina mountains. Her drawing career started at age seven, when she wanted to draw horses better than her sister. Bowers works mostly digitally, using a vivid palette and simple shapes to create interesting images that reflect whimsy with a touch of realism. She has illustrated several webcomics, books, and book covers and is a 2018 Hugo award winner.
TORA PRUDEN is a social media manager and the director of brand growth at Equality for Her. She also works as a freelance journalist and culture critic.
MARISSA SEBASTIAN is a social media coordinator and the co-creator of the social media positivity movement #Blackoutday, which aims to promote the positive representation and presence of African Americans on social media.
PAIGE TOWLER writes poetry, has co-authored books, and was a children’s book editor at National Geographic Kids for five years.
Enter here for a chance to win print copies of both books! Open Internationally!
Don’t these books sound amazing? I’ve added them to my tbr, have you added them to yours? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!
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