Happy Tuesday and welcome to my stop on the Wicked As You Wish blog tour!! I am so excited to be a part of this tour, and I’m even more excited for you to discover Rin’s Top Ten Fictional Characters! Plus, follow the rest of the tour and enter to win a signed copy of Wicked As You Wish!

Series: A Hundred Names for Magic #1
Published on March 3, 2020 by Sourcebooks Fire
Genres: YA, Fantasy, Retellings
Pages: 432
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Tala Warnock has little use for magic – as a descendant of Maria Makiling, the legendary Filipina heroine, she negates spells, often by accident. But her family’s old ties to the country of Avalon (frozen, bespelled, and unreachable for almost 12 years) soon finds them guarding its last prince from those who would use his kingdom’s magic for insidious ends.
And with the rise of dangerous spelltech in the Royal States of America; the appearance of the firebird, Avalon’s deadliest weapon, at her doorstep; and the re-emergence of the Snow Queen, powerful but long thought dead, who wants nothing more than to take the firebird's magic for her own – Tala’s life is about to get even more complicated….
1. Sandor Clegane, Game of Thrones
I love Rory McCann’s portrayal of him in the show, specifically. His arc is how I want every villain redemption arc to be – no excuses for the horrible things he did in the past, a real attempt to try and be better, and he doesn’t have the good looks to make it easier for readers to forgive him. Plus he is extremely crass and sarcastic, which I can absolutely relate to.
2. Rexxy / T-rex, Jurassic Park
I feel like this doesn’t even require an explanation.
3. Egon Spengler, Ghostbusters
I LIVED for Ghostbusters as a kid, and Egon has been an enduring character for me through the years. He’s a huge nerd and extremely dedicated to his work, and he was the first character I’ve seen who can be a big geek and also such a badass.
4. Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie mysteries
[He is] easily my most favorite detective of all time. While I know more people prefer Sherlock Holmes, I couldn’t relate to all the niche requirements he needed to solve mysteries. Poirot employs profiling a lot in his deductions, which is a lot more easy to follow in books, and his tendency toward OCness is something I do as well!
5. Kayako, The Grudge
Is it weird to say that one of your favorite characters is a villainous female ghost with a 100% kill rate? I think the understated female rage she represents is one of the reasons why I love the movie so much, just because of how effective she is with it.
6. Spock, Star Trek
I am a huge Trekkie, and I love stoic characters who shows a bit of a human, vulnerable side underneath all the emotionless exterior. There’s also the fact that Spock is half-human and half-Vulcan, so his worry about not completely feeling like people accept him as both is something I struggle with as well.
7. Death, Discworld
The personification of the end of all life, but doing his best trying to experience what it’s like to be human, even though his attempts don’t always work out well for everyone. It’s not everyday that you actually expect Death to have a good heart, but it works so well, especially because it’s a Terry Pratchett series.
8. Trevor Belmont, Castlevania
To me, he is the epitome of the “big of heart, dumb of ass” trope. He’s the last surviving heir to the fabled vampire-killing Belmont clan, and he does his damndest to go around protecting people with nothing but his heirloom whip and a lot of beer, but he is trying his very best, ok?
9. Sesshoumaru, Inu Yasha
I’ve always been a huge fan of anime, and have you even seen this guy? He looks so freaking majestic. He looks like he can step off a catwalk, murder you in your face, and then somehow get an award for it. He’s also one of the most powerful beings in the series and claims to love no one – and then adopts a little human child as his personal ward. How can you not like this guy?
10. Wolverine, X-men
people in school used to call me WolveRINe for a reason. Short? Hairy? Grouchy? Sarcastic? Huge crushes on redheads? The only thing I don’t have is an adamantium skeleton and a healing factor, which I feel is very unfair.
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